We operate as a results only agency – no appointment, no fee.
All appointments we undertake are for permanent or contract staff.
Clients are able to view CVs and interview candidates completely free of charge.
Fees are charged once the candidate has started in employment with you and each appointment carries with it a guarantee period.
Consultants, experienced within your industry norm, are available 24/7 to provide helpful advice on any aspect of the recruitment process.
All vacancies are advertised for free not only on our own website but also on any other relevant websites, including Reed and Strike Jobs.
All consultants work with dedicated support staff, unique in the recruitment industry, to ensure that you receive the speediest possible service.
All CVs are issued on a standardised 2 page format to enable you to quickly and easily identify the key areas for you.
All CVs release full information of each candidate with regard to personal details, career history and current earnings.
All candidates are assessed as to their suitability, availability and interest before their details are submitted.
All candidates are advised of the action taken and kept informed of the various stages of the recruitment process.
We will make all interview arrangements on your behalf.
All candidates are thoroughly prepared for interviews and will receive a copy of their CV, profile on your company and where appropriate, a formal job description to ensure that the process is relevant and effective.
We will benchmark salary levels to ensure that offers of employment are both realistic and acceptable.
We will make offers to candidates on your behalf.
We will guide the candidates through the resignation process, to maintain their statutory rights and to ensure that they are in your employment as swiftly as possible.
Our involvement is not complete until the candidate has joined you.